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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Developing Routines for Potty and Crate Training for Siberian Huskies

Huskies are creatures of habits. Since they are working dogs, developing routines for them goes well with their temperaments.

Taking them out to potty at the same times is important to reinforce their potty training. They even learn the time, and eagerly wait for you at the door.

Developing a place or haven where they can relax and feel safe is also good for them. I have a crate for each one that is in the house, and the ones outside have their own houses even if they have a roof over the kennel. The crate or inside kennel is always left opened for them. They go in when they please and especially when they want to take a nap during the day or sleep at night.

However, I also use it to keep them away from other huskies or if they are bothering guests for belly rubs too much. Since they are used to the crate, they don’t mind being in it while it is locked up. I teach them to “go home”, and they go right to their crates. While in it, they don’t complain unless I forget them after the guests have left or I have already taken the other husky out of the room. In that case, they let me know with a howl or a conversation.

I have even tried to change their “homes” at times to see how they react. After a few times pointing and telling them to go home, they know that this is their new home. This haven is essential to their well being. They just love to chill in the crate at any time of the day. After all, huskies are den animals; when they are preparing to have puppies, they make and clean their nests.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Kind Regards,
Elayne Taylor
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