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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Guest: How to Be a Great Owner to Your New Pet

How to Be a Great Owner to Your New Pet
By Jessica Brody

A new pet is a wonderful addition to any family, but fully committing your time and energy into making that pet a part of your life will change you both forever.  It might not be easy, but it will be time well spent.
Introducing Your Pet to Your Home
It will take a little time for your new pet to get comfortable in his new home.  It is most likely a completely foreign environment to him. Let your pet explore the safe areas of your house to get used to the different sights and smells.
Keep breakable items, or things your pet might eat or destroy, in higher areas out of reach of mischievous pets.  Also move pesticides, household cleaners, and other poisons to secure areas where pets can’t find them.
Be aware of foods from your kitchen that might be dangerous for your pet.  Try using child locks on cabinets and pantries to prevent pets from accessing foods that might make them sick.  Don’t forget that the trash can should be out of reach as well.
Check your home for any other hazards or furniture that could injure or trap your pet.  Doors and windows should close securely to prevent escape, and yard fences should be free from holes or gaps that could enable your pet to escape.
Set up some comfortable beds or zones for your pets to sleep in.  You can use cushions, blankets, or a pet crate to create a safe, comfy spot for your pet to sleep or relax in.  Your pet will go there when they need rest or privacy.
Keeping Your Pet Healthy
A healthy pet is a happy pet.  Schedule regular vet checkups to stay current on vaccinations and other general care.  Discuss food options for your pet and know that they can change with health issues or age.
Regular grooming can also keep your pet healthy.  Nails, teeth, and skin should be taken care of to prevent any issues.  They can also alert you to more serious health concerns.
As your pets age they may need more attention and care from you and your vet.  Issues like arthritis, heart or kidney problems, or failing eyesight can make it difficult for your pet to do the same things as his younger counterparts.  Some adjustments in your home, such as raising the levels of food bowls, can help your elderly pets do things more comfortably.
Bonding With Your Pet
Bonding with your pet is important, so make sure to set aside time every day to have fun with them.  Whether it’s playing with toys, taking walks, or running around outside in the yard, your pet will appreciate the time spent with you.
When you can’t be there, make sure your pet has toys or activities to keep them entertained.  They have a tendency to be less destructive if they don’t get hungry or bored while you are out of the house.  If you need to be away a longer period of time, find a daycare or pet sitter to take them on walks or check in with them to make sure they get fed and played with while you are gone.
With care and patience, you can be a great pet owner and earn the love and loyalty of your pet for a lifetime.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Guest: 5 Things that may be causing allergies...

Five Things In Your House That Might Be Causing Allergies (Even in Your Pets)
By Charlotte Meier

Photo via Pixabay by damita118

Many people suffer from allergies when spring rolls around and the landscape seems to be practically dripping with pollen, but even if you spend most of your time indoors, you might be affected by some common household items you haven’t thought about. In fact, your pets might be affected by some of these as well. Some of these items can cause cold-like symptoms year-round and can affect the lungs and sinuses. Unfortunately, constant exposure to these things can cause long-term damage to your health--and your pet’s health--so it’s important to suss them out as soon as you or your pet start exhibiting allergy symptoms.

Here are the five most common household items that could be making you sick.

Your ceiling fan

You might think you’re safe from pollen and ragweed if you don’t spend any time outdoors, but in the spring and summer, just having your windows open can bring them in, and if you have a ceiling fan running, it can pick up tiny spores and circulate them through your home. Clean the blades well several times a week if you have the fan on every day, and do the same to your air conditioner vents.

Your carpet

Carpeting can hold in all kinds of yucky stuff, and anytime you, your children, or your pets walk outside they bring in allergens on their shoes. Consider investing in a vacuum with a HEPA filter, which will keep all that dust and debris from being recirculated into the air, and have everyone remove their shoes when they come in.


If your home is especially damp, you may have mold lurking, and mold can lead to serious health problems. Basements with concrete floors, bathrooms, and any area where a leak has occurred should especially be checked for mold. Wash all bath mats, towels, and fabric shower curtains regularly. If you do find mold and it’s manageable, clean the area with a bleach/water mixture.


For many people, their pets are like members of the family. However, animal dander can wreak havoc on allergies. If you have a pet and think you might be allergic, don’t let him in your bed or on the furniture. Vacuum frequently and, if possible, invest in furniture that is easy to clean, such as leather.

Believe it or not, some pets can be allergic to others. A dog, for example can be allergic to cats. It’s not incredibly common, but it has been known to happen.


While most food allergies appear during childhood, more and more people are finding they have an allergy to gluten. Wheat products, strawberries, nuts, eggs, milk, and shellfish are some of the most common allergens, so be careful about what you snack on.

As far as your pets are concerned, stick with pet food, and avoid human food. If your pet seems to always be suffering from allergies or sickness, but you can’t determine the cause, check with your vet. It’s not out of the question that their diet is involved.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Common Behavioral Problems of the Siberian Husky Are Digging and Running Away

Digging is more common when huskies are left outside for long periods of time. Digging a hole and laying in it is cooler than simply laying on top of warm soil in warmer climates. Many people attribute this behavior to their past when they dug holes to sleep in the snow. In that case, they were kept warmer by trapping their body heat in the surrounding snow.

A solution for their digging is to provide huskies with an area where they can dig. Most people use sand for the allowed area; however, sand will not keep them as cool as a few layers down in the soil. Thus, they will still dig in other areas, but at least it will cut down on their digging the whole yard up.

Huskies also use digging to escape their yards. Their curiosity is such that they want to experience the world on the other side of the fence. I have had many huskies that have dug themselves to the other side of the fence only to wait for me at the front door.

Running away is another problem huskies have. This may be also due to their past history. Back in Siberia, huskies were allowed to roam in the summers; they would find food and water on their own; they would breed and create a family, and eventually, they would come back to their masters in the winter. During the winter, they would work for food. Eventually, they would be set free again in the summer to fetch for themselves.

Huskies can easily get away by climbing a fence that is less than 6 feet tall. I had a rescue, however, that was sitting in a different pen every time I came home. For a couple of days, I thought someone was playing tricks on me by moving him around from pen to pen. On the third day, I actually saw Jackie at the top of a 6 ft. fence. I yelled his name, and he slowly came down using his front paws as hands, just as a monkey would do. Amazing!

There are some solutions you can try to curtail your husky from running. Since they can escape fences, leashes, and open doors, it is very important to keep the dog confined. Yard gates should be kept closed at all times, and house doors should be closed tightly when leaving or entering the home.

In addition, make sure that collars are tight. Siberian huskies are very smart, and many know how to back up out of their collars. Their leashes should also be held tightly since they also like to pull especially when something catches their eye such as a small animal, insect, a cat, etc.

All in all, these amazing creatures continue to enlighten us daily with their comical ways.

Developing Routines for Potty and Crate Training for Siberian Huskies

Huskies are creatures of habits. Since they are working dogs, developing routines for them goes well with their temperaments.

Taking them out to potty at the same times is important to reinforce their potty training. They even learn the time, and eagerly wait for you at the door.

Developing a place or haven where they can relax and feel safe is also good for them. I have a crate for each one that is in the house, and the ones outside have their own houses even if they have a roof over the kennel. The crate or inside kennel is always left opened for them. They go in when they please and especially when they want to take a nap during the day or sleep at night.

However, I also use it to keep them away from other huskies or if they are bothering guests for belly rubs too much. Since they are used to the crate, they don’t mind being in it while it is locked up. I teach them to “go home”, and they go right to their crates. While in it, they don’t complain unless I forget them after the guests have left or I have already taken the other husky out of the room. In that case, they let me know with a howl or a conversation.

I have even tried to change their “homes” at times to see how they react. After a few times pointing and telling them to go home, they know that this is their new home. This haven is essential to their well being. They just love to chill in the crate at any time of the day. After all, huskies are den animals; when they are preparing to have puppies, they make and clean their nests.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Do Siberian Huskies Shed Like Other Dogs?

This is a question I get probably every other week of the year. Huskies have a double coat. It serves to protect them from both very cold and very hot temperatures. Therefore, they need the double coat in any climate; that is the reason why they should never be shaved. Furthermore, no special type of brush or sheers should be used on them to pull out their second coat; this is usually recommended by groomers who are not familiar with the breed. The coat protects them from the UV rays of the sun in hot climate areas, and it helps them work in minus zero temperatures.

Twice a year, they “blow” or lose their undercoat. This means that a great amount of hair will be dropped around the house right before the winter and then again before the hot summer. There have been frantic new husky owners who have called thinking that their huskies were ill due to their hair loss; in fact, I answered a Craigslist ad one time where the desperate owner “was picking up a dog’s worth of hair every day.” However, this is perfectly normal. He was very relieved to have spoken with me.

The best solution is to take them outside during this time and brush them. It may take up to three weeks to lose the undercoat, but if the husky is brushed every day during that time, it may take less time and your home will be free of a lot of hair.

The rest of the year, huskies should not shed, or if they do, it will be very little. Wooly coat huskies, the ones with much longer hair, tend to shed more throughout the year than the other coats associated with huskies.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What Should I Feed My New Siberian Husky Puppy?

Siberian huskies tend to have sensitive stomachs at times. That is why they should stay away from corn, wheat and soy. It is good practice to read the labels of the food they eat carefully. If it contains any of the ingredients mentioned, move on to another type of food or even another brand. If you decide to develop your own food, then be careful not to include yeast in addition to the other ingredients above.

It is always good to boil chicken for the puppy a few times per week as a supplement to their food. We give them chicken every night. Please, remember that they should never have any chicken bones when they are little; however, once they are adults, contrary to what many believe, chicken bones that are not fully cooked are fine.

Contact us if you want to know which brands we use.

How many times should I Feed My Husky Puppy per Day?

If you read the literature about huskies, it tells you that they eat less than other breeds. While this is true, time and time again, I find that many owners under feed their puppies and they are on the thin side. Once they are potty trained, the best thing is to leave them food on the bowl all day. The reason for that is that they can eat when they are hungry. They are not like other breeds which gorge on food, so they will munch on it all day.

When they are puppies, it is very important to give them all the food they want, so they can grow up healthy. The only problem with this is that if you are potty training him or her, then you need to control the food a little at first. If a person is home all day, it is best to give the puppy food three times per day and take the puppy out to potty 10 minutes later. 

However, if no one is at home all day, then two times per day will be sufficient until the puppy is potty trained. The key is to make sure the puppy eats all the food he or she wants during feeding time. Once he or she is potty trained, it is best to leave food on the bowl all day long.